[how little it matters] how little we know
[love is] the tender trap
All my tomorrows
All the way
Afficher les morceaux...
Chicago [that toddlin'town]
Crazy love
Don't worry 'bout me
Fairy tale
Five minutes more
French foreign legion
From here to eternity
Half as lovely [twice as true]
Hey ! jealous lover
High hopes
I believe
I could have told you
I love paris
I love you
I'll remember april
I'm gonna live till i die
I've got the world on a string
I've heard that song before
Impatient years
It worries me [denk'an mich]
Johnny concho's theme [wait for me]
Learnin' the blues
Look to your heart
Love and marriage
Love looks so well on you
Mind if i make love to you
Mistletoe and holly
Mr. success
My blue heaven
My one and only love
No one ever tells you
Not as a stranger
Rain [falling from the skies]
River, stay'way from mr door
Same old saturday night
Sleep warm
Someone to watch over me
Something wonderful happens in summer
South of the border [down mexico way]
Talk to me
The christmas waltz
The gal [man] that got away
The moon was yellow [el amor llamo]
The same old song and dance
Three coins in the fountain
Time after time
To love and be loved
Well, did you evah ?
When i stop loving you
White christmas
Who wants to be a millionaire
Why should i cry over you
You forgot all the words [while i still remember the tune]
You, my love
You'll always be the one i love
You'll get yours
You're sensational
Young at heart
Your love for me