A bushel and a peck
A change in me
A cockeyed optimist
A fellow needs a girl
A hundred million miracles
Afficher les morceaux...
A little bit in love
A little fall of rain
A little less conversation
A lot of livin' to do
A lovely night
A new life
A pretty girl is like a melody
A quiet girl
A room with a view
A secretary is not a toy
A sleepin' bee
A spoonful of sugar
A wonderful day like today
A wonderful guy
Accident waiting to happen
Adelaide's lament
Ain't misbehavin
All at once you love her
All for the best
All good gifts
All i ask of you
All i need is the girl
All of you
All the things you are
Allez-vous-en, go away
Almost paradise
Alone at the drive-in movie
Along came bialy
Always true to you in my fashion
An ordinary couple
And all that jazz
And i am telling you i'm not going
Angel of music
Another hundred people
Another op'nin', another show
Another suitcase in another hall
Another winter in a summer town
Any dream will do
Any place i hang my hat is home
Anyone can whistle
Anyone would love you
Anything you can do
Are you havin' any fun?
Artificial flowers
As if we never said goodbye
As long as he needs me
As once i loved you
At long last love
At the ballet
Baby dream your dream
Bali ha'i
Baubles, bangles and beads
Be kind to your parents
Be our guest
Beauty and the beast
Beauty school dropout
Beethoven day
Before the parade passes by
Being alive
Bells are ringing
Big d
Big dog
Big girls don't cry
Big spender
Big-ass rock
Bloody mary
Blue skies
Breeze off the river
Bring him home
Broadway baby
Brotherhood of man
Brush up your shakespeare
Buckle down, winsocki
Buenos aires
Bustopher jones: the cat about town
Button up your overcoat
By my side
By myself
Bye bye baby
C'est magnifique
C'est moi
C'mon everybody
Can you feel the love tonight
Can't help lovin' dat man
Capped teeth and caesar salad
Castle on a cloud
Cherry pies ought to be you
Children of the wind
Chim chim cher-ee
Circle of life
City lights
Civilization (bongo, bongo, bongo)
Climb ev'ry mountain
Close as pages in a book
Close every door
Cocoanut sweet
Coffee (in a cardboard cup)
Coffee shop nights
Come back to me
Come back with the same look in your eyes
Come rain or come shine
Comedy tonight
Consider yourself
Could i leave you?
Dance: ten; looks: three
Dancing on the ceiling
Dancing queen
Dancing through life
Darn it, baby, that's love
Day by day
Dear friend
December 1963 (oh, what a night)
Deep love
Diamonds are a girl's best friend
Dites-moi (tell me why)
Do i hear a waltz?
Do i love you because you're beautiful?
Do it again
Do you hear the people sing?
Do you love me?
Doin' what comes natur'lly
Don't cry for me argentina
Don't cry out loud (we don't cry out loud)
Don't ever leave me
Don't get around much anymore
Don't like goodbyes
Don't rain on my parade
Don't tell mama
Down in the depths (on the ninetieth floor)
Down with love
Drink with me (to days gone by)
Easter parade
Easy street
Elaborate lives
Empty chairs at empty tables
Engine of love
Ev'ry time we say goodbye
Ev'rything i've got
Everybody ought to have a maid
Everybody's got a home but me
Everything's alright
Everything's coming up roses
Falling in love with love
Fantasies come true
Far from the home i love
Fathers and sons
Feed the birds
Fiddler on the roof
Find your grail
Follow your heart
For good
Forget about the boy
Forty-five minutes from broadway
From this moment on
Gary, indiana
Gentleman jimmy
Get me to the church on time
Get out of town
Getting to know you
Give a little whistle and i'll be there
Give my regards to broadway
Give them what they want
Glad to be unhappy
Gonna build a mountain
Good morning baltimore
Goodnight, my someone
Got a date with an angel
Greased lightnin
Great big stuff
Guys and dolls
Haben sie gehort das deutsche band? (have you ever heard the german ba
Hakuna matata
Handful of keys
Happy talk
Hard candy christmas
Haunted heart
Have you met miss jones?
He plays the violin
He was too good to me
He's no good
Heat wave
Heaven help my heart
Heaven on their minds
Hello, dolly
Hello, young lovers
Here i am
Here i'll stay
Here on this night
Hey there, good times
Hey, look me over
High flying, adored
His name is lancelot
Hit me with a hot note
Holding out for a hero
Honey bun
Honeysuckle rose
House of flowers
How are things in glocca morra
How deep is your love
How high the moon
How to handle a woman
I ain't down yet
I am aldolpho
I am in love
I am loved
I am the starlight
I believe in you
I believe my heart
I cain't say no
I can do that
I can dream, can't i?
I can hear the bells
I can't get started with you
I can't give you anything but love
I can't stand still
I could be happy with you
I could have danced all night
I could write a book
I didn't know what time it was
I do not know a day i did not love you
I don't know how to love him
I dreamed a dream
I enjoy being a girl
I go to rio
I got lost in his arms
I got the sun in the morning
I guess i'll hang my tears out to dry
I hate men
I have dreamed
I know him so well
I like your style
I love a piano
I love my wife
I love paris
I love you
I loved you once in silence
I miss the music
I only want to say (gethsemane)
I remember it well
I remember love
I see your face before me
I still believe in love
I still get jealous
I still see elisa
I talk to the trees
I wanna be a producer
I want to go to hollywood
I whistle a happy tune
I will never leave you
I wish i were in love again
I won't grow up
I won't send roses
I wonder what the king is doing tonight
I wonder why?) you're just in love
I'd do anything
I'd give my life for you
I'd rather be right
I'll be seeing you
I'll be there
I'll build a stairway to paradise
I'll follow my secret heart
I'll know
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never say no
I'm a brass band
I'm all alone
I'm beginning to see the light
I'm flying
I'm glad i'm not young anymore
I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter
I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair
I'm not that girl
I'm not wearing underwear today
I'm still here
I'm the greatest star
I've got your number
I've gotta crow
I've grown accustomed to her face
I've never been in love before
If ever i would leave you
If he walked into my life
If i can't love her
If i loved you
If i ruled the world
If i said i loved you
If i were a bell
If i were a man
If i were a rich man
If my friends could see me now
If only (quartet)
If this isn't love
If you could see her
If you really knew me
If you were gay
In buddy's eyes
In my life
In my own little corner
Is you is, or is you ain't (ma' baby)
It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)
It hurts me
It might as well be spring
It never entered my mind
It never was you
It only takes a moment
It takes two
It was written in the stars
It's a business
It's a grand night for singing
It's a lovely day today
It's all right with me
It's de-lovely
It's not where you start
It's the hard-knock life
It's today
Jailhouse rock
Jeanette's showbiz number
Joey, joey, joey
Johnny one-note
Juke box saturday night
June is bustin' out all over
Just go to the movies
Just in time
Just the way you are
Just you wait
Kansas city
King herod's song
Kiss of the spider woman
Kiss the girl
L.a. blues
La cage aux folles
La vie boheme
Lambeth walk
Lazy afternoon
Leaning on a lamp post
Left behind
Let it go
Let me entertain you
Let yourself go
Let's go fly a kite
Let's hang on
Let's have another cup of coffee
Let's hear it for the boy
Let's not talk about love
Let's take an old-fashioned walk
Lida rose
Life is just a bowl of cherries
Life upon the wicked stage
Light at the end of the tunnel
Light of the world
Listen to your heart
Little girl blue
Little girls
Little hands
Little lamb
Living in the shadows
Long before i knew you
Look around
Look for the silver lining
Look to the rainbow
Losing my mind
Lost in the stars
Love changes everything
Love makes such fools of us all
Love makes the world go round
Love potion number 9
Love to me
Love, look away
Lovers on christmas eve
Luck be a lady
Lucky in love
Mad about the boy
Make believe
Make someone happy
Make up my heart
Makin' whoopee
Mama who bore me
Mama, a rainbow
Mama, i'm a big girl now
Mama, look sharp
Mamma mia
Man of la mancha (i, don quixote)
Many a new day
Married (heiraten)
Mary's a grand old name
Master of the house
Maybe this time
Me and my girl
Mein herr
Milk and honey
Miracle of miracles
Miss marmelstein
Mood indigo
Moon-faced, starry-eyed
More i cannot wish you
More than a woman
Mountain greenery
Movin' out (anthony's song)
Mr. mistoffelees
Muddy water
Mutual admiration society
My best girl (my best beau)
My cup runneth over
My darling, my darling
My favorite things
My funny valentine
My heart belongs to daddy
My heart stood still
My junk
My miss mary
My mother would love you
My new philosophy
My own best friend
My romance
My ship
My unknown someone
Never never land
Never will i marry
New ways to dream
No man left for me
No moon
No other love
No strings
Nobody does it like me
Nothing can stop me now
Nothing is too wonderful to be true
O bless the lord, my soul
Oh, what a beautiful mornin
Ol' man river
Old deuteronomy
Old devil moon
On a clear day (you can see forever)
On broadway
On my own
On the other side of the tracks
On the street where you live
On this night of a thousand stars
Once in a lifetime
Once in love with amy
Once you lose your heart
One boy (girl)
One day more
One more beautiful song
One more kiss
One night in bangkok
One of the boys
One song glory
One track mind
Only a rose
Only love
Only you
Other pleasures
Our language of love
Our private world
Out of my dreams
Out of this world
Paris by night
Part of your world
Peas in a pod
People will say we're in love
Pilate's dream
Pine cones and holly berries
Please send me someone
Politics and poker
Poor everybody else
Prepare ye (the way of the lord)
Prima donna
Prisoners of love (leo & max)
Promises, promises
Push da button
Push de button
Put on a happy face
Put on your sunday clothes
Razzle dazzle
Real live girl
Rhode island is famous for you
Ribbons down my back
Ridin' high
River in the rain
Rock-a-bye your baby with a dixie melody
Run, freedom, run
Sabbath prayer
Sadie, sadie
Satin doll
Seasons of love
Seeing is believing
Seeing things
Sentimental me
September song
Seventy six trombones
Shakalaka baby
Shall we dance?
She (he) touched me
She loves me
She's got a way
She's in love
Show me
Show off
Show people
Side by side by side
Simple little things
Sing for your supper
Sit down you're rockin' the boat
Sixteen going on seventeen
Slaughter on tenth avenue
Small world
Smoke gets in your eyes
So far
So in love
So long, farewell
So much to do in new york
Some enchanted evening
Some people
Somebody gonna love you
Somebody loves me
Somebody, somewhere
Somebody's eyes
Someday i'll find you
Someone else's story
Someone is waiting
Someone like you
Someone nice like you
Something for the boys
Something good
Something to do with spring
Something wonderful
Sometimes a day goes by
Son of man
Song on the sand (la da da da)
Soon it's gonna rain
Sophisticated lady
Sorry - grateful
Speak low
Springtime for hitler
Standing on the corner
Starlight express
Stay with me
Stayin' alive
Stepsisters' lament
Still hurting
Strange music
Stranger in paradise
Strangers like me
Summer nights
Sun and moon
Sunny side up
Sunrise, sunset
Supper time
Take a chance on me
Take back your mink
Take me as i am
Take me or leave me
Take that look off your face
Tell her i love her
Tell me on a sunday
Ten cents a dance
Ten minutes ago
Thank heaven for little girls
That face
The ad-dressing of cats
The ballad of the sad young men
The best of times
The best things in life are free
The blue room
The color purple
The colors of my life
The farmer and the cowman
The gentleman is a dope
The girl that i marry
The girl who has everything
The happy time
The hostess with the mostes' on the ball
The impossible dream (the quest)
The joint is jumpin
The journey to the heavyside layer
The lady is a tramp
The last night of the world
The last supper
The light in the piazza
The little things you do together
The lonely goatherd
The longest time
The march of the siamese children
The most beautiful girl in the world
The music and the mirror
The music of the night
The music that makes me dance
The name of the game
The new ashmolean marching society and students conservatory band
The night they invented champagne
The old gumbie cat
The only home i know
The party's over
The perfect nanny
The phantom of the opera
The point of no return
The rain in spain
The real american folk song (is a rag)
The river of dreams
The saga of jenny
The simple joys of maidenhood
The song is you
The song of purple summer
The song that goes like this
The sound of music
The surrey with the fringe on top
The sweetest sounds
The telephone hour
The varsity drag
The wages of sin
The wells fargo wagon
The wizard and i
The word of your body
The wrong note rag
There are worse things i could do
There is nothin' like a dame
There's a fine, fine line
There's a great day coming manana
There's a small hotel
There's a sucker born ev'ry minute
There's gotta be something better than this
There's no business like show business
They call the wind maria
They didn't believe me
They live in you
They say it's wonderful
They were you
They're playing my song
Think of me
This can't be love
This is the moment
This nearly was mine
Thoroughly modern millie
Those canaan days
Thou swell
Til him
Til tomorrow
Till the clouds roll by
Till there was you
Time heals everything
To keep my love alive
To life
Together again
Together forever
Together wherever we go
Tomorrow belongs to me
Tonight at eight
Too beautiful for words
Too close for comfort
Too darn hot
Too much in love to care
Transylvania mania
Try to remember
Turn back, o man
Twin soliloquies (this is how it feels)
Two cigarettes in the dark
Two ladies
Two worlds
Under the sea
Unexpected song
Unusual way
Uptown girl
Violets and silverbells
Wait till you see her
Waitin' for the light to shine
Walk like a man
Wand'rin' star
We go together
We had a dream
We kiss in a shadow
We need a little christmas
Welcome to the 60's
Well, did you evah?
What did i do to be so) black and blue
What did i have that i don't have?
What good would the moon be?
What i did for love
What kind of fool am i?
What kind of man
What'll i do?
What's the use of wond'rin
Whatever happened to my part?
When did i fall in love
When i'm not near the girl i love
When you got it, flaunt it
When you're good to mama
Where am i going
Where do i go from here
Where is love?
Where is the life that late i led?
Where or when
Where was i when they passed out the luck?
Who am i?
Who can i turn to (when nobody needs me)
Who will buy?
Who will love me as i am?
Why can't you behave?
Why did i choose you?
Why do i love you?
Why god why?
Why was i born?
Will he like me?
Will you?
Wish you were here
Wishing you were somehow here again
With a little bit of luck
With a song in my heart
With every breath i take
With one look
Without love
Without me
Without you
Worlds apart
Wouldn't it be loverly
Written in the stars
Ya got trouble
Yankee doodle boy
You are beautiful
You are love
You are woman, i am man
You better go now
You can't get to heaven
You can't stop the beat
You could drive a person crazy
You don't know this man
You must love me
You mustn't kick it around
You rule my world
You should be loved
You took advantage of me
You walk with me
You'll be in my heart
You'll never get away from me
You'll never walk alone
You're a grand old flag
You're never fully dressed without a smile
You're the cream in my coffee
You've come home
You've got to be carefully taught
Young and foolish
Younger than springtime
Your eyes
Zorba theme (life is)