A place in the sun
Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't nothing like the real thing
Ain't too proud to beg
Afficher les morceaux...
Baby i need your lovin
Baby love
Dancing in the street
For once in my life
Going to a go-go
Got to be there
Got to give it up
Heatwave (love is like a heatwave)
How sweet it is (to be loved by you)
I can't get next to you
I can't help myself (sugar pie, honey bunch)
I hear a symphony
I heard it through the grapevine
I second that emotion
I want you back
I'll be there
I'm losing you (i know)
If i were your woman
It's the same old song
Just my imagination (running away with me)
Let's get it on
Lookin' through the windows
Love is like an itching in my heart
Maybe tomorrow
Mercy, mercy me (the ecology)
Money (that's what i want)
More love
My girl
My guy
My world is empty without you
Never can say goodbye
Nowhere to run
Ooo baby baby
Papa was a rollin' stone
Reach out and touch (somebody's hand)
Sail on
Shake me, wake me (when it's over)
Shop around
Smiling faces sometimes
Somebody's watching me
Someday we'll be together
Standing in the shadows of love
Stop! in the name of love
Take a look around
The love you save
The tracks of my tears
The way you do the things you do
Three times a lady
Time will reveal
Touch me in the morning
Way over there
What's going on
Where did our love go
You can't hurry love
You keep me hangin' on
You're all i need to get by
You've made me so very happy
You've really got a hold on me