A close fit
A new comping pattern
A new hobby
Add your own solos
Aims of the course, history of blues and boogie
Afficher les morceaux...
Bass and drums
Blues ballad in a minor
Blues drone scale
Boogie chain iii
Boogie chain iv in g, lick transfer c to g
Boogie walking basses, boogie walk in g
Brass and guitar
Building the melody: alternating thirds
Building the melody: third syncopations
Cd track listing
Chop the walk
Comping pattern i
Comping patterns ii
Courage to leave gaps
Crushed notes (continued)
Crushed notes, read the small print
Double the hands, double the groove
Ear candy
Experiments in improvisation, liberating the drone note
Family gathering
Filling the gaps
Halfway there
Improvisation in a minor
Improvisation in c minor
Improvisation, features of boogie-woogie
In chains
In the beginning was the intro
Instructions for use
It's groove time
Ladies boogie: examples
Ladies boogie: notes
Lady in blue
Leave them wanting more
Lick bariations
Lick reunited
Lick roll
Lick transfers from c to g and back
Links in the boogie chain
Listen and play
Of ornaments and other beautiful things
Old boogie, new pattern
Playing as a team
Practising comping patterns
Qwalking bass patterns
Save the best for last
Seventh chords, adding to the blues scale
Slippery fingers
Star it up
Stretching out
Striding the blues in c minor
The all inclusive boogie
The amen formula
The beat boes on
The blue notes, the 12 bar blues scheme
The blues scale
The devil is in the detail
The first blue note
The next level up
The prep boogie
The second blue note as a triplet lick
The sixths connection
Thickening the groove
Thirds lick and scale loops
Transposing licks
Transposing: how to go about it
Triplets in the melody
Two into one
Two-handed comping variations
Variations on the blues scheme
Varying the root licks, thirds runs
Virtuoso boogie finale
Walking bass examples . blues and jazz conmping
Walking bass vaqriants, counter line on g
Your first walking bass boogie
Your own handiwork