- Alborada de pontecalderas
- An dro (air de danse)
- Croen y ddafad felen (the yellow sheepskin)
- Danza de carino (/ danse de ...)
- Drops of brandy
Afficher les morceaux...
ECOSSE - Drummond castle
- Furry dance
BRITTANY / BRETAGNE - Gavotte : je cous dis, mademoiselle
- Glwysen (the fairest one)
- Hanter dro ( air de danse)
- John ryan's polka
- Muckin' o' geordie's byre
- Muineira : ponte de san paio (/ le pont de saint paul)
- Muineira das zocas
- Mwynen cynwyd (the maid of cynwyd)
ILE DE MAN - Mylley gys jee my chaarjyn (praise to god, my friends)
- Ny kirree fo niaghtey (the sheep under the snow)
PAYS DE GALLES - Nyth y gwcw (the cuckoo's nest)
GALICE - Pasadobre popular
- Pastoral (gin ye kiss my wife)
- Rights of man
- Scotland the brave
- Silvestrig
- Speed the plough
- The humours of westport
IRLANDE - The rocky road to dublin
- Three little boats went out to sea
- Tom bawcock's treat
- Tros y garreg (over the stone)