After the ball
Bugiolio r gwenith gwyn (watching the wheat)
Camptown races
Chimchim cher-ee
Afficher les morceaux...
Cockles and mussels
Daisy bell
Earth, sea and sky
Flash, bang, wallop
Hushabye mountain
I know where i'm goin
It's a lovely day today
Lavender's blue
Let him go, let him tarry
Let's face the music and dance
Let's go fly a kite
Ma bella bimba (how beautiful the ballerina)
Marienwürmchen (ladybird)
My grandfather's clock
Orange and yellow and brown
Pretty polly oliver
Sans day carol
Singin' in the rain
The deadwood stage
The gower wassail
We're off to see the wizard
Wiegenlied (lullaby)
Wouldn't it be loverly?
Zweibrauneaugen (two brown eyes)