A kingdom by the sea (somervell)
Adieu (faur)
An die ferne geliebte,op.98#3
An die geliebte (to the beloved) (beethoven)
Ave maria (father in heaven) (saint-sans)
Afficher les morceaux...
Bonjour, suzon! (good-morning, sue!) (delibes)
Down by the salley gardens
El trobador
Every day is ladies' day with me (herbert)
Fame's an echo (arne)
Fishermaiden,the (schubert)
Forget me not (bach)
In der fremde (in a foreign land)
Incline thine ear (charles)
It was a lover and his lass (coates)
Linden lea
Love quickly is pall'd (purcell)
My lovely celia (monro)
Nobody knows the trouble i've seen
O come, o come, my dearest
O del mio amato ben
On richmond hill there lives a lass (hook)
Panis angelicus (o lord most holy)
Phillis has such charming graces (young)
Russian picnic (enders)
Sea fever (ireland)
Stille sicherheit (hark! how still) (franz)
The birthday of a king
The cloths of heaven (t.dunhill)
Thou'rt like a lovely flower (du bist wie eine blume)
Un doux lien (tender ties) (delbruck)
Wanderers nachtlied (wanderer's night song) (schubert)
Weep you no more, op. 12, no. 1
What songs were sung
Where e'er you walk
Who is sylvia? (coates)