Austrian hymn
Beside the cradle here i stand
Bohemian dhy nui,kance
Bohemian song
Afficher les morceaux...
Canon in la mineur
Cashmere song
Christ was born on christmas day
Christmas song
Cradle song
Creole song
Ding dong bell
Dutch tune
Exaudet's minuet
Four and twenty blackbirds
Freré jacques
Girofle, girolfa
Happy new year
Hippity hop
Holy night
Hot cross buns
Hushabye baby
If i were a tiny elfin
Irish tune
Jock o'hazeldean
Joseph and mary
Leezie lindsay
Little jack horner
London bridge is falling down
Luther's hymn
Mycountry, 'tis of thee
Nineteen birds
Now the sun is sinking
Old french air
Parting song
Plaisir d'amour
Polish dance
Russian hymn
Scale of d
Schubert waltz
Sleep, beloved, sleep
Spring song
Sulky sue
Swing song
The ballad of king kenry
The bells of london
The chimes
The cruel rose
The day of christmas
The first noel
The north wind doth blow
The rose is red
The seagull
The wraggle taggle gipsies.
There was a woman, as i've heard tell
To market
What tonguecan tell thy greatness, lord?
Winter, farewell