A fly and a flea
A-ring around o'roses
Are you sleeping brother john?
Baa! baa! black sheep
Afficher les morceaux...
Billy boy
Brother come and dance with me
Eentsy-weentsy spider
Five little chickadees
Froggie went a-courtin'
Hand clapping song
Head and shoulders
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush
Hey diddle diddle
Hot cross buns
Humpty dumpty
Hush little baby
I am the very model
I'm a little teapot
I've been workin' on the railroad
If you're happy and you know it
Jack and jill
Kookaburra sits
Lavender's blue
Lazy mary will you get up?
Little jack horner
Little tommy tucker
London bridge
Love somebody
Mary had a little lamb
Monkey on a string
My bonnie
Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow
Oh, dear! what can the matter be?
Oh! susanna
Old macdonald had a farm
Open, shut them
Over the river and through the woods
Paper of pins
Pick a bale o cotton
Polly put the kettle on
Pop goes the weasel
Reuben and rachel
Rockaby baby
Row row row your boat
Sing a song of sixpence
Skip to my lou
The animal fair
The bear went over the mountain
The blue tail fly
The farmer in the dell
The grand old duke of york
The monkeys have no tails in zamboanga
The paul bunyan song
The train song
The wheels on the bus
Themes (peter and the wolf) [prokofiev, sergei]
Themes from the mikado
There's a little wheel a-turnin in my heart
This old man
Three blind mice
Two little birds
We sail and we sail and we stop
What shall we do when we all go out
Where is thumbkin
Where oh where has my little dog gone?
Yankee doodle
Zulu war chant