3 kings 3 traitors 7 virgins A babe is born A child this day
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A gallery carol A new dial A virgin most pure Adam lay ybounden All and some All bells in paradise All in the morning Angel gabriel Angels holy Angels, from the realms Angelus ad virginem Anges dans nos campagnes Aprils Athens Balulalow Band of children Bell carol Bellman's song Ben jonson's carol Bethlehem Birds Blake's cradle song Boar's head carol Builders Candlemas eve Carnal and the crane Carol of beauty Carol of service Carol of the advent Carol of the kingdom Chanticleer Cherry tree carik Children's song of the nativity Christ the lord is risen Christbaum Christmas eve Christmas tree Come, love we god Congaudeat Courons à la fête Coventry carol Cradle Crown of roses Dans cette étable Dark the night Decree Dems of day Dives and lazarus Down in yon forest Dutch carol Earthly friends Easter carol Easter eggs Eia, eia Ein kinder in der wiegen Es ist ein' ros' Es kommt ein schiff Falan-tiding Fesans raijouissance Festival carol First nowell Flemish carol Flower carol Furry day carol Gabriel's message Garden of jesus Gebor'n ist uns ein kindelein Gen himmel aufgefahren ist Gloucesterhire wassail God is ascended God rest you merry God's dear son Golden carol Golden mornings Golden sheaves Good bye Good king wenceslas Grand dieu, que de merveilles Green grow'th the holly Greensleeves Hereford carol Herrich's ode Herrick's carol Hilariter Holly and the ivy Holly well How brightly beams I saw 3 ships I sing of a maiden Ich weiss ein lieblich engelspiel If ye would hear Immortal babe In bethlehem, that fair city In dulci jubilo In excelsis gloria In the town Infinite light Irish carol Jacob's ladder January carol Je sais, vierge marie Jesus of the manger Job Joseph and mary Joseph lieber, joseph mein Joys seven King herod and the cock Kingdom Kings Kings in glory Kings of orient Konige Laissez paître vos bêtes Lamb of god Love is come again Lullay mi liking Lute-book lullaby Make we joy Marias wallfahrt Marias wanderschaft Mary's wandering Masters in this hall May carol May day garland Merchants' carol Merry christmas Message Mid-winter Miraculous harvest Mothering sunday My dancing day New prince, new pomp No room in the inn Noël nouvelet Nos galan Nous allons, ma mie Nous voici dans la ville Now glad of heart O jesulein suss O little one O little town Our brother is born Out of your sleep Patapan Pean Personent hodie Pleasure it is Poverty Praise of christmas Praise of god Promptement levez-vous Psalm of sion Puer natus Puer nobis Quelle est cette odeur agréable Quem pastores Quest Quittez, pasteurs Quoi ma voisine Remember Righteous joseph Rocking Rorate Saint-stephen Salutation carol Sans day carol Saviour ' work Secret flower Shakespeare's carol Shepherd Shepherds, shake off your drowsy sleep Sinners' redemption Sion's daughter Sir christemas Snow in the street Snow lies thick So brother Somerset carol Somerset wassail Song of the crib Song of the nuns of chester Song of the ship Song of the spirit Spanish carol Spirit Spring has come Summer carol Summer time Sunny bank Susanni Sussex carol Sussex mummers' carol Thanksgiving carol This endris night This new christmas carol Torches Truth from above Tyrley, tyrlow Une vaine crainte Vermeil du soleil Virgin's cradle hymn Voisin, d'où venait Walking-time Wassail song Watt's cradle song Welcome yule Welcome, summer Welsh carol Wexford carol While shepherds watched White lent Wie schon leuchtet Winter's snow Wir wollen alle frohlich sein Wither's rocking hymn Wonder tidings Wondrous works World itself World's desire Yeoman's carol