KIPLING - A dead statesman (ténor solo)
WHITMAN - A glimpse (baryton solo)
CRANE - A learned man (soprano, alto et ténor)
GOODMAN - A terrible disaster (ténor)
AUDEN - As i walked out one evening (quatuor)
Afficher les morceaux...
GOODMAN - Boy with a baseball (ténor solo)
FROST - Come in (soprano)
HUGHES - Comment on war (soprano et alto)
AUDEN - Dear, though the night (baryton)
BAUDELAIRE (TRAD ROREM) - End of the day (alto et ténor)
MONETTE - Even now (ténor)
PENN - Evidence of things not seen (quatuor)
DOTY - Faith (baryton)
ROETHKE - From whence cometh song (quatuor)
BROWNING E. - Haw do i love thee (alto solo)
GREEN (JULIEN) (TRAD ROREM) - He thinks umpon his death (baryton)
GOODMAN - His beauty sparkles (soprano et ténor)
KEN - Hymn for evening (quatuor)
KEN - Hymn for morning (quatuor)
WHITMAN - I am he (ténor solo)
WOOLMAN - I saw a mass (alto solo)
HOUSMAN - Is my team ploughing (ténor et baryton)
BROWNING R. - Life in a love (alto et baryton)
ST VINCENT MILLAY - Love cannot fill (alto solo)
GOODMAN - Now is the dreadful midnight (soprano)
AUDEN - O where are you going (quatuor)
COLETTE (TRADUIT PAR ROREM) - On an echoing road (soprano et alto)
WILDE - Requiescat (soprano, alto et baryton)
CRANE - The candid man (quatuor)
PENN - The comfort of friends (alto solo)
AUDEN - The more loving one (baryton solo)
BUTLER YEATS - The old men (soprano)
WHITMAN - The open road (quatuor)
WORDSWORTH - The rainbow (stb)
KENYON - The sick wife (alto)
AUDEN - Their lonely betters (soprano solo)