Come, bloomiing boy (the choice of hercules hwv 69) Ev'ry valley shall be exalted (messie) Far from all resort of mirth (l’allegro, il penserose ed il moderato) Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods (jephta hwv 70) He shall feed his flock like a shepperd (messie)
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He was despised and rejected (messie) His mighty arm (jephta hwv 70) How beautiful are the feet of them (messie) I know that my redeemer liveth (messie) I'll to the well-trod stage anon (l’allegro, il penserose ed il modera If god be for us (messie) Let me wander (l’allegro, il penserose ed il moderato) O, thou that tellest good tidings to zion (messie) Oh mirror of our fickle state (samson hwv 57) Rejoice greatly, o daughter of zion (messie) Sometimes let gorgeous tragedy (l’allegro, il penserose ed il moderato Take the heart you fondly gave (jephta hwv 70) The trumpet shall sound (messie) Then free from sorrow (samson hwv 57) There let hymen oft appear (l’allegro, il penserose ed il moderato) There, the brisk sparking nectar drain (the choice of hercules hwv 69) To fleeting pleasure make your court (samson hwv 57) Total eclipse (samson hwv 57) Tune the soft melodious lute (jephta hwv 70) Virtue my soul shall still embrace (jephta hwv 70) Waft her, angels, through the skies (jephta hwv 70) Why do the nations so furiously rage together (messie) Why does the god of israel sleep ((samson hwv 57) With plaintive notes (samson hwv 57) Yet, can i hear that dulcet lay (the choice of hercules hwv 69)
HAENDEL Arienalbum. Mezzo Soprano et ContraltoChant et Piano