A spiritual reflection (satb divisé a cappella)
Cert'ly lawd (satb a cappella)
Climbin' up th mountain (satb a cappella)
De blin' man stood on de road an' cried (satb a cappella)
Deep river (satb a cappella divisés)
Afficher les morceaux...
Give me jesus (satb a cappella divisés)
Glory, glory, glory to the newborn king (satb a cappella divisés)
Hold on ! (satb a cappella divisé)
I am his child (satb, piano)
I got a home in-a dat rock (satb a cappella divisé)
I'll make the difference (satb, piano) {= song of hope for singers aro
Let the heaven ligth shine on me (satb a cappella)
Lift every for freedom (satb, piano)
Like a mighty stream (satb, piano)
Mister banjo (satb, conga ad lib.)
Music down in my soul (satb divisés, piano)
My god ist so high (satb a cappella)
No hidin' place (satb a cappella divisés)
O magnify the lord (double choeur satb, piano / orgue, 3 trp ad lib)
Old time religion (satb a cappella, soli)
Ride on, king jesus (satb divisés, piano)
Stand by me (satb a cappella)
Surely he died on calvary (satb a cappella)
Swing low, sweet chariot (satb divisé, flûte, piano)
There's man goin' round (ssatttb a cappella)
We shall walk through the valley in peace (satb a cappella, divisés)
Who built the ark ? (satb a cappella)
You better min' how you talk (satb a cappella)