Anthems et Motets pour choeur mixte SATB avec piano ou a cappella ou continuo
Edité par Robert King
Collection Series Editor John rutter
Partition - Choeur et accompagnement
Oxford University Press
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Lewis - The souls of the righteous
Wesley - Wash me throughly
PHILIPS PETER - Ascendit deus (god has ascended) PARSONS - Ave maria (honour we mary) BYRD WILLIAM - Ave verum corpus (hail, o hail, true body) STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - Beati quorum via (how blessed are faithful souls) WESLEY SAMUEL - Blessed be the god and father
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STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - Coelos ascendit hodie (heaven receives our lord today) TAVENER JOHN - Dum transisset sabbatum HARRIS - Faire is the heaven STAINER JOHN - God so loved the world IRELAND JOHN - Greater love hath no man BYRD WILLIAM - Haec dies (this is the great day) MENDELSSOHN - Hear my prayer PURCELL HENRY - Hear my prayer, o lord STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - How beauteous are their feet STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - I heard a voice from feaven STAINER JOHN - I saw the lord PURCELL HENRY - I was glad when they said unto me STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - If ye love me BAIRSTOW - Jesu, the very thought of thee BYRD WILLIAM - Justorum animae (god holds the righteous) STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - Justorum animae (the hand of god holds faithful souls) PURCELL HENRY - Let mine eyes run down with tears HOWELLS HERBERT - Like at the hart desireth the waterbrooks TALLIS THOMAS - Loquebantur variis linguis FARRANT OR HILTON - Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake PURCELL HENRY - Lord, how long wilt thou be angry? GREENE MAURICE - Lord, let me know mine end HADLEY - My song is love unknown MORLEY THOMAS - Nolo mortem peccatoris (i ask not the death of sinners) GIBBONS ORLANDO - O clap your hands VAUGHAN WILLIAMS - O how amiable are thy dwellings HARWOOD - O how glorious is the kingdom STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - O lord, give thy holly spirit GIBBONS ORLANDO - O lord, in thy wrath STANFORD CHARLES VILLIERS - O nata lux de lumine (o holy light once born of light) VAUGHAN WILLIAMS - O taste and see WOOD - O thou the central orb BOYCE WILLIAM - O where shall wisdom be found? WESLEY SAMUEL - Praise the lord, o my soul ANONYME - Rejoice in the lord alway PURCELL HENRY - Remember not, lord, our offences BLOW JOHN - Salvator mundi (o salvator of the word) WALTON WILLIAM - Set me as a seal upon thine heart BYRD WILLIAM - Sing joyfully LEWIS - The souls of the righteous GOSS - These are they which follow the lamb ELGAR EDWARD - They are at rest WESLEY SAMUEL - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace NAYLOR - Vox dicentis: clama WESLEY SAMUEL - Wash me throughly TOMKINS THOMAS - When david heard