Allegro (two studies / 2 études)
Allegro marciale (bucolics / bucolique)
Allegro vivace (bucolics / bucolique)
An air (three pieces for the young)
An apple hangs on the apple-tree n° 5 (folk melodies)
Afficher les morceaux...
Concerto pour piano et orchestre - 3ème mouvement (extraits)
Four finger exercise(exercice) (three pieces for the young)
March (marche) (three pieces for the young)
Master michael n° 7 (folk melodies)
Paganini variations (ouverture)
Prélude (extrait de strawchain)
The gander n° 11 (folk melodies)
The grove n° 10 (folk melodies)
The schoolmaster n° 12 (folk melodies)
The shepherd girl n° 4 (folk melodies)
There is path, there is n° 3 (folk melodies)