pour choeur mixte SATB et quatuor instrumental piano, clarinette, contrebasse et percussions. Réduction Piano.
Collection Oeuvres d'aujourd'hui
Partition - Choeur Piano
Référence: DIEM1313
33.82 €
Habituellement expédié sous 4-5 jours
• Livraison gratuite dès 35 € en France métropolitaine
• 30 jours pour changer d'avis !
• Avis clients
(instrumental) (instrumental) (instrumental) All human beings are equal in dignity and rights All human beings are equal in dignity and rights (final)
Afficher les morceaux...
Everyone has the right to education Everyone has the right to enjoy asylum Everyone has the right to freedom of thought Everyone has the right to health Everyone has the right to life No one shall be held in slavery or servitute
ANTOINE MIANNAY HallelujahChoeur Piano
ANTOINE MIANNAY Trois pièces sacréesChoeur a cappella