Camille Saint-Saëns: a thematic catalogue of his complete works vol.2 TELLER RATNER Sabina
The dramatic works
Livre - Relié
Oxford University Press
604 pages
558.60 €
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Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921): A Thematic Catalogue of His Complete Works ensures an objective knowledge of the total musical creation of this extraordinary French musician. Volume 1, published in 2002, examined the instrumental works. Volume 2 will explore the dramatic works.
Each catalogue entry includes such information as the title and opus number of the composition and the opening theme of each movement; date, place, and circumstances of composition; dedication; instrumentation; location and description of autographs; publisher, plate number, date and place of publication; title page; all existent versions, arrangements, and transcriptions, their authors, publishers, plate number and date of publication; date and place of première and significant performances with names of the performers involved; references to the work in the mainly unpublished correspondence of Saint-Saëns; literature and unique details relevant to the particular work.
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