The Cambridge History of Medieval Music EVERIST Mark ed.
2 volumes
livre en anglais
Livre - Relié sous jaquette
Cambridge University Press
1248 pages au total
265.90 €
Habituellement expédié sous 2-3 jours
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Spanning a millennium of musical history, this monumental volume brings together nearly forty leading authorities to survey the music of Western Europe in the Middle Ages. All of the major aspects of medieval music are considered, making use of the latest research and thinking to discuss everything from the earliest genres of chant, through the music of the liturgy, to the riches of the vernacular song of the trouvères and troubadours. Alongside this account of the core repertory of monophony, The Cambridge History of Medieval Music tells the story of the birth of polyphonic music, and studies the genres of organum, conductus, motet and polyphonic song. Key composers of the period are introduced, such as Leoninus, Perotinus, Adam de la Halle, Philippe de Vitry and Guillaume de Machaut, and other chapters examine topics ranging from musical theory and performance to institutions, culture and collections.
OLIVIER TRACHIER Aide-mémoire du contrepoint du XVIème siècle
DIEGO ORTIZ Trattado de Glosas (1553) Renaissance et période préclassique - domaine espagnol, 1
FERRAND FRANÇOISE DIR. Guide de la musique du Moyen-AgeLes indispensables de la musique
FRANÇOISE FERRAND Guide de la musique de la RenaissanceLes indispensables de la musique
GIULIO CACCINI Le nuove musiche (1602) AMICUS
WILLIAM DONGOIS Semplice ou passeggiato
COLETTE MARIE-NOËLLE / VENDRIX PHILIPPE Histoire de la notation du Moyen-Age à la RenaissanceMusique ouverte
LE VOT GÉRARD Vocabulaire de la musique médiévaleMusique ouverte